Citizen engagement as a crisis response at higher education institutions in the Baltic states and Ukraine | Nordic Perspectives on Open Science

aysaekanger's bookmarks 2024-09-10


"The partner universities began by preparing a landscape analysis of citizen engagement initiatives for Ukraine organized by Baltic universities. Secondly, citizen engagement actions were carried out by all partners. The aim of these citizen engagement actions was to enhance HEIs’ resilience and cooperation with policy, industry, and society in humanitarian crises, as well as to empower academic staff, students, and citizens to actively engage in social actions to support Ukrainian populations in the Baltic states. In the final phase of this project, the main focus will be devoted to the capacity building of HEIs through the organization of experience cafés, the production of open access educational materials for academic staff, and the release of a podcast series in which HEI staff involved in citizen engagement actions will share their experiences. The aim of this last phase of the project will be to facilitate cross-cultural dialogue and business-academia cooperation that will allow citizen groups, stakeholders, and universities to build strong resilience models in humanitarian crises."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » aysaekanger's bookmarks


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Inese Abolina, Anna Beitane, Kateryna Boichenko, Rasa Dovidonytė, Catherine Gibson, Yurii Kondratyk, Stefania Oikonomou, Aistė Pranckutė, Gintarė Tautkevičienė, Lianne Teder, Nataliia Vovk, Anna Shilinh, Katerina Zourou

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Date tagged:

09/10/2024, 03:35

Date published:

09/09/2024, 04:46