Help Build a Sustainable Infrastructure for OA Book Usage Data Exchange!
URabar's bookmarks 2025-03-06
The OA Book Usage Data Trust is developing its sustainability model, ensuring a community-governed, equitable and trusted exchange of usage data. But for this model to truly serve the needs of the scholarly community, your input is essential.
Why Participate?
Your input will directly influence the development of a transparent and inclusive framework. It will also make sure your perspectives are heard in this collaborative effort.
How You Can Help:
- Take this short survey by 28 March:
- Spread the word – Encourage colleagues in publishing, libraries, and other organisations to participate.
Thank you for your thoughts and input!
Link: feeds:
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » URabar's bookmarks