If your interests include OnlyFans, pro-China propaganda, and social media accounts with artificially generated faces, then this is the botnet for you. (There's also cryptocurrency spam involved because of course there is.) #FridayShenaniGANs cc: @ZellaQuixote

newsletter via Feeds on Inoreader 2023-06-04


If your interests include OnlyFans, pro-China propaganda, and social media accounts with artificially generated faces, then this is the botnet for you. (There's also cryptocurrency spam involved because of course there is.) #FridayShenaniGANs cc: @ZellaQuixote
This network consists of (at least) 1627 Twitter accounts created between April 30th and May 20th, 2023. All of them follow at least two of the following accounts: @AoTJewels, @BlackYellow, @Fenerbahce, and @elonmusk ,and tweet via Twitter for Android or the Twitter Web App.
The 1627 accounts in this network all use GAN-generated faces as their profile pics. All of these images have neutral backgrounds and are 255x255 pixels (Twitter default is 400x400). (GAN = "generative adversial network", the technology used to generate the "face" images)
Unmodified StyleGAN-generated face images have the interesting property that the major facial features (particularly the eyes) are in the same position on every image. This becomes obvious when one blends multiple images together (such as the 1627 "faces" used by the network).
The accounts in this network tweet in multiple languages, with English being the most frequent (66.1% of tweets), followed by Chinese (16.1%). Slightly over half of their content is retweets (56.8%); the content retweeted is mostly NFT/cryptocurrency-related.



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Everything Online Malign Influence Newsletter » Newsletter



Date tagged:

06/04/2023, 16:47

Date published:

06/04/2023, 14:27