Call for the 2024 Open Science Prize for Research Data in France

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-15


The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Committee for Open Science have announced the opening of applications for the 2024 Open Science Prize for Research Data. Applications are open from 6 May to 24 June 24, 2024.

Application link:

There are several categories of prizes which will reward innovative ideas or projects in sharing or reusing research data (e.g., the 'Creation of a Missing Dataset' prize for developing essential new datasets, the 'Creation of Conditions for Data Reusability' prize for implementing FAIR principles from data acquisition through its lifecycle). Thes prizes aim to reward individuals or groups across various employment categories and professions, including researchers, engineers, doctoral students, technicians, etc. Projects related to research infrastructures or support systems for research data are not eligible for these prizes.

Each winning project will be rewarded with a minimum of €5,000.



05/15/2024, 02:57

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05/15/2024, 06:57

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05/06/2024, 02:57