Artificial intelligence-open science symbiosis in chemoinformatics

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-16


Abstract: "In chemoinformatics, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow a symbiosis with open science (OS). Such a close AI-OS interaction brings substantial practical benefits in research, scientific dissemination, and education, to name a few areas. The AI-OS symbiosis can be further enhanced by combining sufficient substantive expertise, mathematical and statistical knowledge, and coding skills. This Viewpoint discusses the benefits of the smooth and productive interaction between AI, OS, and open data. We also present a short list of misconceptions and pitfalls surrounding AI-OS and propose correct responses and behaviors agreed upon by field experts. In addition, we provide suggestions to continue enhancing the positive contributions of the AI-OS symbiosis towards chemoinformatics."



05/16/2024, 04:39

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Tags: oa.open_science oa.chemoinformatics oa.chemistry

Date tagged:

05/16/2024, 08:39

Date published:

03/21/2024, 04:39