I diritti d'autore nella pubblicazione scientifica. Informazioni utili e approfondimenti
Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-07-23
"[Google Translate] Awareness and appropriate management of copyright are important for the advancement of research and the protection of the interests of the scientific community. From this perspective, the Right2Pub – Balancing Publication Rights project, funded by Knowledge Rights 21, explores the delicate balance between the diffusion of knowledge and the protection of intellectual property. In the context of the project activities, we considered it appropriate to develop this guide, which provides information on authors' rights with regard to scientific publications and how they can be effectively exercised.
The guide refers to the Italian legislative context - mainly the law of 22 April 1941 n. 633, “Protection of copyright and other rights related to its exercise”; offers information on copyright and on specific aspects related to publication in the scientific field: rights retention, secondary publishing right, dissemination of research results in open access.
We hope that the guide will help the scientific community to navigate the complex landscape of copyright, to understand its importance and to exercise it in an informed and conscious way."