Global Young Academy: Building an Interconnected Scholarly Ecosystem with Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-07


"Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) are essential to the research ecosystem, providing unique and enduring references for people (researchers), places (institutions), and things (research outputs). Particularly, DataCite Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are crucial for building a robust and transparent scholarly ecosystem. By ensuring that all research outputs and resources are discoverable, visible, and properly credited, PIDs can foster a culture of recognition and trust in the scholarly community. LeveragingĀ  open metadata, these identifiers facilitate accurate citation, linking, and discovery of research datasets, samples, reports, preprints, dissertations, and other resources, ensuring that researchers and their affiliated institutions receive appropriate credit for their work.

This session highlights DataCite's ongoing efforts to promote global engagement and build a community of practice. Learn how PIDs can empower you, your research outputs, and your institution. Together, we can build a future where research is more accessible, discoverable, and impactful!"



09/07/2024, 03:21

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09/07/2024, 07:21

Date published:

09/06/2024, 03:21