Institutional Repository Open Access Policy of the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-14


The Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs supports the value of open access, which is sharing and utilizing research results. To realize this, it has established and is promoting the following institutional repository open access policy.

The research outputs of the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs refers to works created in the course of official duties and authored by the staff of the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs.

- In principle, the Korea Institute for Health and Social Research discloses all research outputs, including professional works, as open access. However, exceptions are made for materials that have not secured copyright for publication.

- The research outputs of the Korea Institute for Health and Social Research are subject to attribution and non-commercial use.

- The Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs and its staff strive to make all research outputs, including works created in the course of official duties and authored by staff members, openly accessible.

- Research outputs produced after the approval of this policy will be subject to its provisions. Research outputs produced prior to the policy approval may also be covered if they become eligible for release, such as when copyright restrictions are resolved.

- Details regarding open access that are not specified in this policy should be discussed with the institutional repository department.



09/14/2024, 03:47

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Date tagged:

09/14/2024, 07:47

Date published:

04/01/2023, 03:47