The FAIRification process for data stewardship: A comprehensive discourse on the implementation of the FAIR principles for data visibility, interoperability and management - Ajra Bhat, Zahid Ashraf Wani, 2024
Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-16
Abstract "This article discusses the importance of good data management for knowledge discovery and innovation. It outlines the FAIR principles, which provide guidelines for publishing digital resources in a way that makes the data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. Using a systematic literature review, the study focuses on the implementation of these principles in research data management and their applicability in data repositories and data centres. It highlights the importance of implementing these principles systematically, allowing stakeholders to choose the minimum requirements and provide a vision for implementing them in data repositories and data centres. The article also highlights the steps in the FAIRification process, which can enhance data interoperability, discovery and reusability. The paper is unique in that it explores how implementing FAIR principles impacts data management for data hosting platforms on a global scale."