FAIR Data Self Assessment Tool | ARDC

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-16


"The ARDC FAIR data self assessment tool has been developed by the ARDC. It is provided purely for educational and informational purposes. It is based on our interpretation of the FAIR Data Principles with the acknowledgement that there are other interpretations of the principles. Other tools like the CSIRO 5 star data rating tool and the DANS FAIRdat tool provided valuable inspiration in developing this tool. 

The scores arising from this tool are intended for self assessment purposes only and to trigger thinking and discussion around possible ways of making data more FAIR.

The code for this tool is available for reuse on Github."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Hanna_S's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

09/16/2024, 07:30

Date published:

09/16/2024, 03:30