Open Science Policy Forums - Enabling a European Open Science and Innovation Area — UNITE! University

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-10-02


"Hosted by Wrocław Tech and ULisboa, these forums are open to researchers, teachers, students and technical and administrative staff and aim to co-create a white paper that will shape national and European science and innovation policies, promoting new university governance models in Widening countries for sustainable knowledge creation and transfer.

Using ULisboa and Wrocław Tech as testbeds for Portuguese, Polish, and other Widening countries Universities, Unite! open science community will co-create a white paper to support University managers, policymakers and funders of Widening countries in the development of European Open Science and Innovation Universities. The forums will be hybrid, with both face-to-face and online component..."



10/02/2024, 02:17

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_science oa.universities oa.innovation oa.policies oa.portugal oa.poland oa.europe

Date tagged:

10/02/2024, 06:17

Date published:

10/01/2024, 02:17