Research Funding Organisations’ Policies on Open Research in Ireland – Public Policy

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-10-08


"...In this paper we examine open research policies which currently exist in PPRPs [public-private research partnerships] in Ireland. PPRPs are a derivative of public-private partnerships (PPPs) defined as “long term agreements between the government and a private partner whereby the private partner delivers and funds public services using a capital asset, sharing the associated risks” (OECD, 2024, p.3). As a subset, PPRPs are defined as “innovation-based relationships focusing on joint research and development activities” (Pertkmann and Schildt, 2015, p.1134). 

We draw on the NORF Landscape (2021) document, the NORF National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030 (2022) and the UNESCO Working Group on Open Science Policies and Policy Instruments (2022) as guidelines to examine the development and implementation of Open Research policies and practices of funders in the Irish Research ecosystem.  By situating the state of open research and funder policies in the international landscape, we identify gaps in policy and practice that need to be addressed by research stakeholders in Ireland and suggest other implications for science policy..."


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.industry oa.universities oa.funders oa.policies oa.policies.funders oa.ireland oa.norf oa.europe oa.funders

Date tagged:

10/08/2024, 09:34

Date published:

10/08/2024, 05:34