Open Science Readiness Index: Theory and Simulations - ScienceDirect
Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-10-17
Abstract "An Open Science Readiness Index (abbreviated as OSRI) is proposed to quantify the progression of open science. The index is accumulated by three related but separately measured dimensions: the readiness for open access, open data and open policy, respectively. Each composition is characterized by proxies attainable from publicized data. The readiness for open access is measured by the volume and intensity of scholarly output under open access mode, vectorized by the weighted sum of volume and the percentage under international collaboration. The readiness for open data is characterized by the sharing and accessing scopes of data, weighted by the academics, information accessibility, and reliability of those data. The readiness for open policy is counted by the confidence of open policy pertinent for the hierarchical levels of needs. The evolution of OSRI is exemplified by nine selected countries/regions under the current framework. The dynamics of OSRI is captured by an ascending curve from zero to one, approximately delineated by a logistic presentation with two parameters: the launching year and the transition speed of open science."