Base4NFDI Policy Paper: "Base4NFDI Services and EOSC: Guidance for Interoperability", Version 1

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-10-28


"Base4NFDI contributes to the evolution and innovation of the German RDM service landscape and is committed to ensuring interoperability across existing infrastructures beyond Germany to underpin the transition to open science. This paper introduces activities of the NFDI, the emerging Base4NFDI services, current EOSC developments, and explores ways the German national initiative can find connectivity and complement the ongoing European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) activities. It examines the EOSC Interoperability Framework as a tool to find pathways for potential alignment between Base4NFDI Basic services with EOSC, lists action areas, and gives practical guidance for Base4NFDI services to enable organisational, technical, semantic and legal interoperability. Readership is targeted towards the Base4NFDI service development teams, the NFDI and EOSC communities."



10/28/2024, 01:24

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Tags: oa.open_science oa.eosc oa.interoperability oa.germany oa.europe oa.infrastructure

Date tagged:

10/28/2024, 05:24

Date published:

10/17/2024, 01:24