Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft signed the 'Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability' - eScience Center

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-12-16


"By signing the “Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability” (“Amsterdam Declaration” for short), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is underpinning its international commitment to improving the reusability of research software. Aimed at funding organisations in science and the humanities, the Amsterdam Declaration pursues the goal of strengthening the sustainability of research software based on financial, organisational and policy measures. The Declaration contains twelve recommendations which seek to optimise the way research software is handled by funding organisations. Four overarching topics are addressed: A) Research Software Practice, B) Research Software Ecosystem, C) Research Software Personnel and D) Research Software Ethics. Three concrete recommendations are provided for each of these overarching topics..."


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Date tagged:

12/16/2024, 09:52

Date published:

12/16/2024, 04:52