Assessing the Impact of Open Research Data Sharing. Contributions and Tools from the PathOS Project
Hanna_S's bookmarks 2025-02-16
"FAIR and Open research data sharing is becoming more and more ubiquitous. The rationale behind this trend and policy imperative includes improving efficiency and reproducibility, advancing interdisciplinary research, and driving uptake and innovation. However, the actual impact of research data sharing in academic, economic, or societal contexts, is less well understood than for instance the effects of open government data. PathOS ( is a 3-year Horizon Europe project that seeks to expand the available knowledge on the impacts of Open Science and Open Research Data. It does so along three main areas:
1. Modelling of the impact pathways: Mapping key effects of OS in terms of outputs, their usage, outcomes and impacts for key areas, including open research data and open methods
2. Supporting the testing and operationalization of OS indicators: Providing indicators, tools, data and flows to ensure practical implementation and validating them in six case studies.
3. Developing a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) framework: Providing insights on the net economic value of specific Open Science and Open Data practices.
The poster will highlight the major findings and tools related to Open Research Data.."