A census of Open Access repositories in the Netherlands

abernard102@gmail.com 2012-03-08


“Open Access receives a lot of attention in the Netherlands. All universities have formulated OA policies explicitly, signed the Berlin OA declaration. Erasmus University Rotterdam Stipulcated a mandated OA policy for its researchers. All Dutch universities have repositories in place and there is an overarching repository, narcis.nl, which harvest the repositories of all universities and major research institutions. The UNESCO Global Open Access Portal (GOAP) reported last year “Netherlands has a strong OA awareness and an active promotion of open access through institutional mandates, establishment of OA repositories, OA publishing agreements. SURFfoundation, a Dutch programme for information and communication technology innovation focuses on Open Access and it is the Dutch partner in Knowledge Exchange along with DFG (Germany), DEFF (Denmark) and JISC (UK)”. In 2011 some milestones were celebrated, the 250,000 publication was harvested by Narcis, and Wageningen UR deposited its 30,000th publication in Narcis by which it became the largest depositing institution in Narcis. Despite some early assessments (van Westrienen & Lynch, 2005) no recent analyses on the actual deposit rates by Dutch universities have been made. Let alone a systematic analysis of trends in depositing rates. In this blogpost I want to give a status update of deposits in Open Access repositories in the Netherlands, concentrating on the regular Dutch universities. I hope to follow this up next year to give insight into actual deposit rates...”




08/16/2012, 06:08

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com


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Date tagged:

03/08/2012, 11:03

Date published:

02/10/2012, 17:27