The Academic Librarian in the Open Access Future | The ACRL/NY 2014 Symposium 2014-06-26


"As the movement toward open access (OA) begins to impact our users and our institutions in increasingly complex ways, academic librarians will be called upon to forge and maintain a variety of productive and enriching relationships across the library, across campus, and beyond. What roles will we take on to help researchers negotiate an evolving scholarly communications landscape? To empower students to become skilled and responsible participants in an expanded universe of content? To enable access and enhance discoverability, which is at the heart of OA? And what “best practices” might we develop to build and strengthen the necessary collaborative connections? Through case studies grounded in a range of institutional contexts, we will consider new opportunities and real challenges. During small-group debriefing sessions, participants will have an opportunity to strategize with peers about how to support their users and find potential collaborators."


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Date tagged:

06/26/2014, 08:02

Date published:

06/26/2014, 04:02