An Open Source Framework for Interactive, Collaborative and Reproducible Scientific Computing and EducationOpen Source Tools for Interactive, Collaborative and Reproducible Computing 2013-02-20


Use the link to access the full text funding proposal opening as follows: "We propose to build open source tools to support the various phases of computational work that are typical in scientific research and education. Our tools will span the entire life-cycle of a research idea, from initial exploration to publication and teaching. They will enable reproducible research as a natural outcome and will bridge the gaps between code, published results and educational materials. This project is based on existing, proven open source technologies developed by our team over the last decade that have been widely adopted in academia and industry..."


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.funding oa.funders oa.reproducibility oa.floss oa.sloan_foundation oa.grant oa.ipython

Date tagged:

02/20/2013, 11:49

Date published:

02/20/2013, 06:49