EPJ Data Science | Abstract | Realities of Data Sharing Using the Genome Wars as Case Study - Historical Perspective and Commentary

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-02-22


Use the link to access the full text article from EPJ Data Science available from SpringerOpen.  The abstract reads as follows:  "The importance of data sharing has become a mantra within the science research community. However, sharing has not been as easy (or as readily adopted) as advocates have suggested. Questions of privacy, individual scientist's rights to their research, and industry-academia divides have been significant hurdles. This article looks at the history of the debates and problems associated with data access that occurred during the 'human genome wars' and their aftermath as a way to explore some of the challenges facing diverse research communities."



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Date tagged:

02/22/2013, 19:08

Date published:

02/22/2013, 14:08