TTIP and drug testing: What does not work, no one should know | ZEIT ONLINE 2014-07-03


[From Google's English] "Hormone meat, soft fabrics in baby bottles and privacy risks - all of which could us bring the free trade agreement with the U.S. (TTIP) . Until now it was not known that the U.S. pharmaceutical lobby is trying to prevent in the course of negotiations for the Convention in that the public has unrestricted insight into the results of drug tests. So far, drug manufacturers are not required to publish the data of all tests a new drug or the European Medicines Agency Ema (European Medicines Agency) shall be provided ... This feeds the suspicion that companies only publish such data, which confirm the efficacy of a drug and let the negative results or evidence of side effects left out. One example is the once popular, now withdrawn from the market painkiller Vioxx . Only years later it turned out that it increased heart attack and stroke risk. Just one of many cases that show the importance of public access to all available information about a drug.  By 2016, the EU will therefore legislate how drug manufacturers must make their studies publicly. The Ema even wants to introduce new rules starting from October this year ..."


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Tags: oa.german oa.treaties oa.usa oa.ttip oa.europe oa.ema oa.medicine oa.biomedicine oa.policies oa.clinical_trials oa.pharma

Date tagged:

07/03/2014, 07:39

Date published:

07/03/2014, 03:39