@ the Library: Knowledge Unlatched update - new scholarly open access e-books added

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-08-08


"Development of the highly-successful Knowledge Unlatched project continues.  This innovative crowd-funded, collaborative pilot aims to create a sustainable route to open access for specialist scholarly e-books, and won the IFLA/Brill Award for Open Access 2014.  Knowledge Unlatched works by many libraries around the world sharing a single Title Fee payment to publishers (which represents the basic cost of publishing a book), in return for a book being made available on a Creative Commons licence. On 11 March 2014, Knowledge Unlatched Pilot Collection books became available for anyone in the world to read or download for free. 27 of the initial 28 Humanities and Social Sciences e-books are now available to read and download via the OAPEN or HathiTrust open access e-book platforms.  The e-books can be shared with others via e-mail or messenger, as long as it is for non-commercial purposes. Recently added titles include ..."



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Date tagged:

08/08/2014, 15:18

Date published:

08/08/2014, 11:18