Western Publishers Sue Delhi University Over Photocopied Textbooks; Students And Authors Fight Back | Techdirt
abernard102@gmail.com 2013-04-17
Back in October last year, we wrote about Costa Rican students taking to the streets to defend their right to photocopy otherwise unaffordable university textbooks. Of course, that's not just a problem in Costa Rica: in many parts of the world, high prices act as a significant barrier to education, and it will come as no surprise that photocopying is an accepted practice in many countries.
That's certainly true in India, where an important battle is playing out around this issue. Here's a summary from Al Jazeera's Web site:
Cambridge University Press (CUP), Oxford University Press and Taylor & Francis launched a lawsuit last year against Delhi University (DU) and a reprographics shop near its campus for producing "course packs" -- bound collections of photocopied extracts from books and journals that are sold for much cheaper than textbooks. The publishers claim the practice infringes on copyright, and that they and their authors are losing money as a result.
The publishers are demanding over $110,000 in damages for this alleged infringement.
But Delhi University's Association of Students for Equitable Access to Knowledge (ASEAK) -- set up to help fight the lawsuit -- points out that according to the Indian Copyright Act 1957 (pdf), in addition to the usual fair dealing/fair use rights, copying for the purposes of teaching is explicitly allowed ... Recently, 309 academics and authors -- 33 of whom were mentioned in the lawsuit -- have sent a letter to the publishers involved, asking that they withdraw their legal action. That's an indication of the widespread concern that a victory in the courts by the publishers would have hugely negative effects on education in India ... The battle here is part of a larger effort by publishers to enforce Western-level pricing in markets that are simply unable to bear them. Interestingly, it's exactly the same battle that is currently taking place in India over access to medicines, which recently resulted in a significant victory for producers of low-cost drugs. It will be interesting to see whether the current case about access to knowledge goes the same way."