American Epilepsy Society Publication Increases Impact Factor 2014-09-05


"The American Epilepsy Society is proud to announce an increase in Impact Factor for its literature surveillance publication, Epilepsy Currents. For the 2013 year Epilepsy Currents received 2.952 a substantial increase from the 2012 Impact Factor of 2.333 (Epilepsy Currents scored a 2.159 in 2011). Epilepsy Currents is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that provides brief expert commentary on abstracts in selected basic science and clinical topics, as well as succinct literature reviews on topics selected by the editorial board. Commentaries and reviews are written by distinguished contributing editors - all of whom are AES members - in addition to invited authors. The journal is available online to AES Members and non-members, and the printed volumes are sent to all AES members bi-monthly and have a total circulation of more than 3,000 ..."


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09/05/2014, 08:17

Date published:

09/05/2014, 04:17