The Berkeley Science Review » Open access: Top 5 ways to engage, why you should, and precautionary measures to consider 2013-04-26


There’s a lot of hype about open access (OA). Anna Goldstein did a great overview of Open Access Explained, and 55% of respondents to the poll say, “Viva la revolución! I only publish in open access journals.” If you are not yet a part of this vibrant, emerging world of scientific dissemination, here are five ways and reasons to engage in open access as well as precautionary measures worth considering, to ensure that you are not infringing on copyright laws. 5) Help develop OA tools (even if you’re not a programmer!) ... 4) Check out OA Berkeley (it’s happening in your backyard!) ... 3) Know your rights (and which rights you sign off) when you publish ... 2) Use OA vehicles to share your own work (so everyone with internet can access it!) ... 1) Spread the word about OA (the more OA, the more OA) ..."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »

Tags: oa.policies oa.licensing oa.comment oa.advocacy oa.copyright oa.surveys oa.students oa.fees oa.funds oa.berkeley oa.sherpa.romeo oa.colleges oa.universities oa.hei oa.libre oa.journals

Date tagged:

04/26/2013, 08:06

Date published:

04/26/2013, 04:06