REMINDER: Open Access Policy Formation Survey - Google Groups 2014-09-08


[From the SPARC OA Forum] "This is a reminder to complete the open access policy formation survey by September 19th. The survey may be accessed at   This survey is for our North American colleagues who are in the process of drafting, who have drafted and adopted, or who have drafted but failed to adopt an open access policy at the institution, college or department level. By "open access policy" we include all policy types, including deposit mandates, rights retention policies, "opt in" policies, and statements of encouragement or support of open access.   This survey should be answered by the person who is most familiar with the open access policy drafting and/or adoption process at your institution, college or department. It may or may not be someone affiliated with your institution's library.   Through your responses, we will analyze how open access policies have been developed and promoted across academic institutions in North America, as well as the factors that may have influenced the adoption or rejection of particular types of open access policies. This study will further document the institutional open access policy movement in North America. We plan to share our findings widely through groups such as the Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI) as well as through conference presentations and a journal article. We believe the results of the survey will be especially helpful to institutions that plan to develop open access policies in the future.   Your survey response is essential to the success of this project and its potential impact. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and you have 7 days to complete the survey once you begin. This survey is comprised primarily of multiple choice and a few short answer questions. You have the option of identifying yourself and your institution by name but such identification is not required. The survey was designed by Christine Fruin, Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of Florida, with Shan Sutton, Associate University Librarian for Research and Scholarly Communication at Oregon State University.   Any questions about completing the survey, should be directed to Christine Fruin. A copy of the questions may be sent upon request."


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Date tagged:

09/08/2014, 14:27

Date published:

09/08/2014, 10:26