Open access: Is it time for a next step? | AAAS 2014-10-16


" ... Increasing access to the latest scientific findings and expanding the dialog about science is fantastic. Research is largely funded by public money, so the public should have access. The question that remains in my mind, however, is: how useful are these papers to the public at large? While the information in them should be shared, is there any mechanism that will allow those outside the specific field of research to begin to approach the paper, or to truly understand the conclusions of the work? Open access is a step forward; however, the intricacies and jargon in an article can make it unapproachable. There are people who can translate the work from scientific jargon into an accessible language. Can open access literature be translated from field-specific jargon for the more general public? Would, or can, advocacy and philanthropic groups invest in ways to communicate science more broadly and evenly, beyond just providing access to the primary article? This would not be a small endeavor; however, it would improve the overall understanding of the scientific literature and make science more approachable to all. We are all very concerned about attracting people to, and keeping them involved and interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Can we take the next step to put our money where our mouth is, and increase the accessibility of the scientific literature?"


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10/16/2014, 09:32

Date published:

10/16/2014, 05:31