ATO2014: Saving the world: Open source and open science - What I Learned Today... 2014-10-26


"Marcus Hanwell, another fellow moderator, was the last session of the day with his talk about saving the world with open source and open science! In science there was a strong ethic of ‘trust, but verify’ – and if you couldn’t reproduce the efforts of the scientist then the theory was dismissed. The ‘but verify’ part of that has kind of gone away in recent years. In science the primary measure of whether you were successful or not was to publish – citations to your work are key. Then when you do publish your content is locked down in costly journals instead of available in the public domain. So if you pay large amounts of money you can have access to the article – but not the data necessarily. Data is kept locked up more and more to keep the findings with the published person so that they get all the credit ..."


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10/26/2014, 18:50

Date published:

10/26/2014, 14:50