Springer and Peerage of Science team up

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-10-30


"Springer has joined forces with Peerage of Science to help authors more easily submit their manuscripts for consideration in Springer journals. Both sides are looking at how they can make the process easier and less time consuming, reduce the time to publication, and eliminate the need for re-submissions. The end goal is to make the work of peer review a more enriching experience for both authors and for reviewers, and to further recognize the hard work of those who are entrusted with this duty ... The way it works is easy. A researcher submits his or her paper to Peerage of Science for consideration from its peer reviewers. After an author revises the manuscript and responds to comments based on the feedback he or she receives, reviewers judge whether the revisions and reply satisfactorily address the issues they raised. Once this process is complete, an author can then send the entire review history directly to Springer via Peerage of Science’s site. While authors can choose from some select individual journals, they also have the added option of submitting to Springer’s transfer desk, which then works with them to select the most appropriate journal for any given article. Given the intimate familiarity of Springer’s editors with their publications, there should be very few – if any – rejections due to scope issues. Both sides see this as a win-win situation ..."



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Date tagged:

10/30/2014, 09:14

Date published:

10/30/2014, 05:14