Harvard University Library Confirms That Digitized Versions Of Public Domain Works In Its Collection Remain In The Public Domain | Techdirt

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-11-07


"One issue that has concerned us here on Techdirt for some years is the routine lock-down of public domain works when they are digitized. This means that far from representing an opportunity to widen public access to such freely-available analog works, converting them to digital format puts them back under copyright's restrictive intellectual monopoly. Against that retrogressive background, a recent move by Harvard University Library is welcome: 'Harvard Library asserts no copyright over digital reproductions of works in its collections which are in the public domain, where those digital reproductions are made openly available on Harvard Library websites. To the extent that some jurisdictions grant an additional copyright in digital reproductions of such works, Harvard Library relinquishes that copyright. When digital reproductions of public domain works are made openly available on its websites, Harvard Library does not charge for permission to use those reproductions, and it does not grant or deny permission to publish or otherwise distribute them. As a matter of good scholarly practice, Harvard Library requests that patrons using Library-provided reproductions provide appropriate citation to the source of reproductions. This policy is subject to the explanation and exclusions below' ..."



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Date tagged:

11/07/2014, 16:28

Date published:

11/07/2014, 11:28