Emotion und Open Access: die Diskussion in den französischen Geisteswissenschaften | Digital Humanities am DHIP

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-06-22


[From Google's English] "For several months, a fierce debate is raging in France to open access journals in the humanities. The trigger was the recommendation of the European Commission in connection with the program Horizon 2010 in July, 2012, that research results that were funded with public money, six to twelve months after publication should be freely available 1 ] . During the discussion in Germany, especially on the second publication of scientific papers is running right (see, eg, the readable contribution of Leonhard Dobusch here ), actors with very different points of view since the beginning of the year have spoken out in France.  The debate began in January 2013, when the French Minister of Science Geneviève Fioraso 5th to Open Access days in Paris in her speech in favor of an implementation of the EU recommendation. As a result, those responsible for the patch of four publishers facing portal for arts and humanities journals Cairn.info early February via mail to the issuing institutions of their journals. They pleaded for a specific period of protection for the Humanities, for so long, should, as desired by publishers and editors remain behind the paywall. A meeting was convened at which a dark future scenario has been designed for the case that the recommendation would be implemented. Despite the appeal of open access advocates such as Open Edition , in turn, the end of March invited to a big debate about Open Access that you here can simultaneously hear, 120 magazines signed by early April the appeal of Cairn.info.  Shortly after mid-March, appeared in the newspaper Le Monde , a call of more than 60 representatives from academia and research, were in favor of open access and prior to isolation of the Humanities warned, if this would not be implemented as a single discipline, the EU recommendation. 'The call with the title ? Qui a peur de l'open access '(Who's Afraid of Open Access'?) is now published in German: arguments for open access of research results . The associated website and petition 'I love open access ' has in turn to the end of April 2898 signatures (including 153 journals) collected and collects further. On Twitter you can under the OA proponents @ iloveopenaccess follow ... In France than in Germany experimented with models for the financing of OA. The model that the author, Conveyors or institutions pay, for example, was the freemium model of open edition placed on the page.Here, the magazines are in the range revues.org the html pages of ejournals freely available on the net.Libraries are however paid subscriptions available to offer their readership PDF and other formats of these magazines can. The money raised thus flows back to about 60% of the journals, so often occupy any money for the first time. In this way, just to the smaller magazines that usually exist only because of the self-exploitation of individual scholars / inside, help pay for the editorial work. The model now goes straight into the second year, 60 libraries - 



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Date tagged:

06/22/2013, 08:25

Date published:

06/22/2013, 04:25