EU/Science-Metrix: Summary Report–Evolution of Open Access Policies and Availability, 1996-2013 (2014) | VÖBBLOG 2014-11-30


"Since the pionee­ring years of OA in the early nine­ties, OA lite­ra­ture has come to occupy an incre­a­sing share of scho­larly rese­arch across geo­gra­phi­cal regi­ons and sci­en­ti­fic disci­plines. In response to what many per­ceive to be a dys­func­tio­nal sys­tem, indi­vi­dual rese­ar­chers, libra­ries, uni­ver­si­ties, rese­arch fun­ders, and govern­ments have become incen­ti­vi­sed to join the cam­paign for OA. Though only a few years ago rese­arch sug­gested that OA growth was modest, the pre­sent set of stu­dies con­duc­ted by Science-Metrix for the European Commission pro­vi­des unde­nia­ble evi­dence that the OA move­ment is dis­rup­tive and that OA is tra­ver­sing the sci­en­ti­fic, tech­ni­cal and medi­cal publis­hing indus­try with the speed and force of a tsu­nami. This report pres­ents a sum­mary of this series of stu­dies. It exami­nes the cur­rent state of the art of OA stra­te­gies to peer-review publi­ca­ti­ons (Part I), fol­lo­wed by a state-of-the-art ana­ly­sis of OA stra­te­gies to sci­en­ti­fic data (Part II). A third part of the study per­forms an assess­ment of the pro­por­tion and the num­ber of OA papers publis­hed in peer-reviewed sci­en­ti­fic journals."


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11/30/2014, 08:34

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11/30/2014, 00:27