Vecam - 4 - Enter the common knowledge in the research priorities 2014-12-30


[From Google's English] " ... Just a few years after the debut of the World Wide Web at the turn of the 90s, when the public began to use the Internet and participate massively, the term "common" appeared more frequently [ 2 ]. The concept of common immediately conveyed the idea that it was a shared resource. Some, faced with a seemingly unregulated Internet, announced a new tragedy of the commons, in the words of Hardin. For others, this reference to the common helped conceptualize this new virtual domain, whose territories are somewhere between private property, assets managed by the public power and pure public goods. This approach evoked the horizontal structure of the Internet together with the importance of individual action respects the common good ... My research on common knowledge specifically focuses on the scientific, academic and cultural, because as librarians, one of the major issues we face is the uncertain future of university productions. How we will collect, organize, disseminate and protect such common knowledge deeply affect the future of our societies. In my view, the study of common knowledge is to look for better ways to share and to best protect all forms of knowledge necessary for the emergence of new knowledge. And this at a time when scientific knowledge is doubling every year. We also need to identify in this deluge of information which will be in the future the knowledge necessary for a scientific, social, political, artistic, economic and intellectual ..."


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12/30/2014, 08:41

Date published:

12/30/2014, 03:41