University of Delhi: Embargo to Open Access for digital version of Ph.D thesis of University of Delhi 2015-01-12


"The University of Delhi has approved a uniform embargo on Ph.D. thesis of the University to be/uploaded on INFLIBNET-Shodhganga repository to Open Access for two years. The period of two years will be counted from the date of
submission of the thesis. The decision has been taken by the Shodhganga Committee of the University in its meeting held on 08.12.2014 and has been approved. Similar embargo has also been implemented for thesis submitted in the last two
years. In case any student wants to put his/her thesis in Open Access immediately or wants to change the duration, he should inform the INFLIBNET through theStudent Approval Form."


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Date tagged:

01/12/2015, 09:43

Date published:

01/12/2015, 04:42