1 Million pages of 17th C social history... open access success

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-02-28


"Many of us have heard about the legendary 17th and 18th century writings from the British Journal; Daily Courant; Daily Gazetteer; Lloyd’s Evening Post; British Chronicle; and London Chronicle. Each of these revered publications provides rare and often unique content for scholarly research into a wide range of political, educational, economic, social and journalistic study. But have you ever had ‘easy’ access to such a vast archive of these newspapers and news pamphlets? ... Well, about 700 volumes of newspapers and pamphlets that were gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney in the 1700s and 1800s are now available free to UK higher and further education institutions. Thanks to funding from JISC and in partnership with Gale Cengage Learning, Burney’s entire collection of 1,271 titles and 1 million pages has been digitized – yet another example of the burgeoning volume of content available to universities on an open access ticket ..."



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Date tagged:

02/28/2015, 07:50

Date published:

02/28/2015, 02:50