Another day, another microbiome journal ... alas not as "open access" as claimed | The Tree of Life 2015-03-05


" ... 'I would like to invite you to consider submitting a paper to our recently launched Open Access journal Microbiome Science and Medicine ( As can be seen from the titles of articles published in our first volume, MICSM reflects the full breadth of research in the diverse areas of microbiome-related science, from molecules to ecosystems ... MICSM is a broad-spectrum platform for the rapid publication of works of broad significance, originality and relevance in all areas related to the study of microbiomes, their components, and their roles in health and disease. We solicit research and review articles, as well as communications and vision papers. The manuscripts submitted in response to this invitation will be processed with the highest priority and all accepted papers will be immediately available on-line ...' Seemed right up my alley - an open access microbiome journal.  Alas, when I clicked on the journal link and then browsed around I found out that articles will be published using some pretty restrictive conditions ..."


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03/05/2015, 09:06

Date published:

03/05/2015, 04:06