Educators lean toward open source textbooks to cut costs for students | 2015-03-23


"It’s no surprise that getting a college or university degree comes with a hefty price tag and for some students, there’s still some amount of ‘sticker shock’ when buying their textbooks for the year. For many students, textbooks are too expensive and some do not buy them at all; which educators say needs to change. Kwantlen Polytechnic University psychology professor Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani says when he saw a growing number of his students not buying books, he made the switch from the traditional method to something more modern. That’s when Open Textbooks was born and now, some B.C. schools are taking part in this open source solution ..."


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Date tagged:

03/23/2015, 17:50

Date published:

03/23/2015, 13:50