Highlights from the inaugural issue of ACS Central Science | EurekAlert! Science News

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-03-24


"Today, ACS is launching its first open access multidisciplinary research journal. Aspiring to communicate the most novel and impactful science developments, ACS Central Science will feature peer-reviewed articles reporting on timely original research across chemistry and its allied sciences. Free to readers and authors alike, original research content will be accompanied by additional editorial features. These additional editorial features include news stories contributed by the Society's award-winning science journalists, invited topical reviews (called Outlooks) from acknowledged experts around the world, and provocative First Reactions, in which leading thinkers provide incisive summaries and reflections on research presented in the journal and other issues of scientific importance ..."



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Date tagged:

03/24/2015, 08:40

Date published:

03/24/2015, 04:40