ZB MED startet Open-Access-Plattform Living Handbooks | ZB MED - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften
abernard102@gmail.com 2015-04-29
"Scientific textbooks are usually heavy, expensive and quickly due to the rapid advancement in many fields of science is out of date. Authors of these textbooks have often beyond cede the rights to their texts to the respective publishers. The pilot project Living Handbooks ZB MED provides a remedy. On the platform can manuals from various disciplines of life sciences online and will be published freely accessible - jointly created by academic authors, while retaining the rights to their publications. Since the contributions can be updated by chapters and in free cycles, content not old, as may be the case with printed textbooks. Another advantage of the project is that not only text, but also images, graphics and videos on Living Handbooks can be published. 'All of our contributions Living Handbooks are quality assured, because each version passes through a peer-review process,' explains Ulrich Korwitz, Director of ZB MED. An editorial board of the respective field of study ensures that the peer review process. All contributions are also editorially revised. A permanent citation and findability is by assigning persistent identifiers - (Digital Object Identifier DOI guarantees). The first 'Living Handbook' could be triggered by Hand Surgery Worldwide eV together with Dr. Richarda Böttcher. The 'Living Textbook of Hand Surgery' is a handbook for Hand Surgery, of which the first contributions are now available online. The next Living Handbook created ZB MED in collaboration with the European Association of Urology (EAU). Other manuals from various disciplines of the life sciences are being planned ..."
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