Event - The Helix Nebula Initiative: Towards a European Open Science Cloud - Research & Innovation - European Commission

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-05-22


"In order to explore further avenues for the establishment of an open, secure and trusted cloud computing Marketplace for European science, businesses and society, The Helix Nebula Initiative is organising an open day event entitled Towards a European Open Science Cloud in co-location with the Helix Nebula Initiative’s 6th General Assembly. The participation of the European Commission will encourage the alignment of the Helix Nebula Initiative with the EC’s vision of a Single Digital Market and the potential role of a European Open Science Cloud. The Helix Nebula – The Science Cloud FP7 support action built the premises of the hybrid cloud model that brought together public research organisations and e-Infrastructures with commercial cloud suppliers to create a growing ecosystem for innovation. The Helix Nebula Initiative has been pursuing this rationale in order to build a common platform offering a range of services to Europe’s research communities and to promote the exploitation of the results of publicly funded infrastructures by many market sectors ..."



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Date tagged:

05/22/2015, 16:42

Date published:

05/22/2015, 13:36