Canadian Medical Association Journal: Backlash at MJA for firing another editor 2015-05-22


"Dr. Stephen Leeder didn't take the job for the income or to improve his resumé. With a career spanning more than five decades, including a stint as dean of medicine at the University of Sydney, he was already one of the most well-known and respected academic physicians in Australia. It was, instead, an objective that guided his decision — two objectives, actually. Those objectives were expressed in the very first issue of the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA), published more than a century ago: to keep physicians abreast of advances in their profession; and to provide evidence to inform discussions on health policy. These values aligned with his own, so in April of 2013, Leeder accepted the position of editor-in-chief of the journal. He enjoyed the work — the writing, seeking comment on current events in medicine, tweaking the journal's design. Encouraging authors, whether young or not-so-young, also made the job rewarding. He had plans to improve the journal, to introduce more formats, to usher it further into the information age. Those plans, however, were curtailed on Apr. 29, when he was fired by the board of the Australasian Medical Publishing Company (AMPCo), the subsidiary of the Australian Medical Association that publishes the journal. Leeder had disagreed with the board's decision to outsource some production, copyediting and administrative work to Elsevier, a large academic publishing house ,,,"


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05/22/2015, 17:05

Date published:

05/22/2015, 13:05