EDEN15 - OER, Open Access and Scholarship in Higher Education in Port…
abernard102@gmail.com 2015-06-15
"This presentation is part of a PhD research on OER, Open Access and Scholarship in Higher Education in Portugal. It is also part of a UNESCO research network, GO-GN, Global OER Graduate Network, a network of PhD researchers on OER throughout the world. The main objective is to identify and compare scholars’ awareness, knowledge and attitudes towards Open Educational Resources and Open Access in the context of their teaching and research practices. Recovering the theoretical framework around the multidimensional nature of scholarship proposed by Boyer in 1990, which includes four different functions, OER and Open Access are closely associated to two of these functions: the scholarship of teaching and the scholarship of discovery, which in turn is connected to traditional research. In digital age, scholarship has been termed as social scholarship, digital scholarship, open scholarship, networked participatory scholarship. The terms used to characterise scholarship in the digital age are different, according to the perspective each term intends to highlight but they all have common aspects. And that is what I call the core values around the different open domains, which are the values of openness, collaboration, networking and sharing. Considering the work of faculty members, involved in both teaching and research activities, what do they do when they are on the islands where they teach and on the islands where they do research? What is the connection between them? Do they have the same attitudes? Are these core values always present? What are the values and attitudes behind our behaviour and our practices in both fields? At the moment I’m trying to find comparable grounds that allow this possible convergence of open domains. Some questions for discussion: How do we reach convergence between different open domains, such as OER and Open Access? Are there common benefits from this convergence? How do we balance the particularities of each domain and find comparability grounds? What is the impact of scholarly communication cycle on open practices? ..."
http://www.slideshare.net/paulacardoso/eden15-oer-open-access-and-scholarship-in-higher-education-in-portugalFrom feeds:
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