Interview with the founder of the free repository of scientific literature: scientific discoveries or scientific piracy? / Geektimes 2015-07-19


[From Google's English] "Scientific articles subject to the same copyright laws as art books, movies and music. Large scientific publishers to strictly enforce those laws and take tangible money for access to the articles. The main difference from the science of show business: the main consumers of scientific articles - scientists themselves. Therefore, the appropriateness of copyright disputes in science are acute. A pirate projects such as Ebookee, LibGen, Freshwap, AvaxHome, Sci-Hub, spread to millions of free access to copyright-protected items without requiring money. The largest universities are paying millions for subscriptions to scientific journals. For the majority of scientists working in the poorer and smaller organizations, piracy remains almost the only way to keep abreast of the latest scientific news. Publishers, meanwhile, is actively fighting piracy: UK court recently ruled to block pirated sites scientific level providers. Closed and Libgen primary mirror , plus everything is now suing another repository - Sci-Hub. I got in touch with the creator of Sci-Hub, to invite her to Giktayms and ask her a few questions. Meet - Alexander Sci-Hub , a programmer, creator and developer of the current site Sci-Hub ..."


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Date tagged:

07/19/2015, 07:45

Date published:

07/19/2015, 03:46