What is actually happening out there in terms of institutional data repositories? | hangingtogether.org

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-07-29


"There is an awful lot of talk about academic libraries providing data curation services for their researchers.  It turns out that in most cases that service amounts to training and advice, but not actual data management services.  However, institutions without data repositories are likely thinking about implementing one.  We thought it would be helpful to hear from those few who have implemented data repositories.  [If you are one of those pioneers and did not get a chance to fill out the survey, feel free to describe your repository program as a comment to this post.] OCLC Research conducted an unscientific survey about data repositories from 5/19/2015 to 7/16/2015. Initially the survey was sent to twelve institutions that were believed to have a data repository. They were asked to identify other institutions with data repositories.   In total, 31 institutions were invited to take the survey. 22 filled out the survey and two of those indicated that they do not have a data repository. The following summarizes the twenty responses from institutions with data repositories ..."



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Date tagged:

07/29/2015, 06:53

Date published:

07/29/2015, 02:53