The wikification Science as a new horizon for open access (...) - GouvActu AdmiNet 2015-08-15


[From Google's English] "Last November, I remember taking part in the Paris Open Source Summit 2014 at a round table on the Open Science. During the question and answer session with the audience, a particularly interesting discussion took place about the links between open access and free licenses. During my presentation, I supported the idea to go to a more advanced form of Open Science, it was necessary not only to make available for free online articles, as part of an approach to Open Access but also to make them reusable by placing them under a free license ... But it is still far from being the case for all open archives and open access journals, particularly in France, where the use of free licenses by researchers is at best optional and not very developed practice.It has thus not until the beginning of 2015 for the HAL platform France formally offer its users the opportunity to use the Creative Commons licenses ... Others have developed similar ideas, such as Pier-Carl Langlais I recommend the following presentation on the links between the Creative Commons licenses and scientific publications.  But I recently came across a description of a project supported by the Wikipedians community, which could be one way to significantly advance this idea of 'Science wikified'. Entitled 'Open Access wikiproject / Signaling OA-ness ', the project's main goal is clearly and simply to point users to what Wikipedia scientific articles cited in the pages of the encyclopedia that are freely available in open access (see this video presentation) ..."


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08/15/2015, 07:55

Date published:

08/15/2015, 03:55