Ross Mounce - Show me the data! 2015-09-16


"Yesterday, I tried to read a piece of research, relevant to my interests that was published in 1949. Sadly as is usual, I hit a paywall asking me for $38 + tax to read it (I didn’t pay) ... Needless to say, the author is almost certainly deceased so I can’t simply email him for a copy.The paper copy is useless to me, even though my institution probably has one somewhere. I need electronic access. It would probably take me an hour to walk to the library, do the required catalogue searches, find the shelf, find the issue, find the page, re-type the paragraphs I need back into a computer, walk back to my desk etc… That whole paper-based workflow is a non-starter.  I noted the article is available electronically online to some lucky, privileged subscribers – but who? Why is the list of institutions that are privileged enough to have access to paywalled articles not public information? It would be extremely helpful to know what institutions have access to which journals & which journal year ranges.  So I thought I’d do an informal twitter poll of people on twitter about this issue ...  I received an overwhelming number of responses. Probably over a hundred in total. Huge thanks to all those who took part.  Given such a brilliant community response it would be remiss of me not to share what I’ve learnt with everyone, not just those who helped contribute each little piece of information. So 24 hours later, here’s what I now know about who can access this 1949 paper (data supporting these statements is permanently archived at Zenodo) ..."


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09/16/2015, 17:50

Date published:

09/16/2015, 13:50