Punching down; In defense of PubPeer | PSBLAB

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-10-01


"Today marked a new low in the depths to which publishing industry will sink to maintain their outdated business model.  I’m talking about a piece of literary detritus entitled 'Vigilante Science' published in Plant Physiology and penned by its editor in chief Michael Blatt. It’s a classic punch-down piece from a journal editor having a hard time coming to terms with the death of the publishing industry as we know it. Readers of this op-ed masquerading as serious discourse will rapidly learn that the popular post-publication peer review portal PubPeer (8 Ps – count em!) is a mere “by-product of the social media age”. Straight away, he starts out dissing it as side-issue, as opposed to what it really is – a potential solution to a rampant problem foisted on academia by multi-billion dollar publishing corporations (one of which he happens to work for). Readers are then treated to (wait for it…) the two-fold problems with PubPeer…"



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Date tagged:

10/01/2015, 07:42

Date published:

10/01/2015, 03:42