Open data for agriculture / Bookmarks / Regulars / Home - ICT Update, a current awareness bulletin for ACP agriculture 2013-06-29


"To build a bridge between agricultural research and farmers, Philip Parker and his team at INSEAD, a business graduate school with campuses in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi, is developing Toto Agriculture with partners such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grameen Foundation, Farmer Voice Radio and Farm Radio International. Toto Agriculture is an online collection of localised agriculture-related information such as weather forecasts, soil health, planting tips and pest management. It is an agricultural content engine that uses more than 750 sources of agricultural knowledge to produce on-demand information in as many as 60 different formats.    Most importantly, the combination of structured and unstructured data available in various formats – text, audio, video, calendar, charts and maps – on Toto Agriculture has also been translated into over 100 languages. Farmers, community knowledge and extension workers, rural radio hosts and agricultural call centres can use Toto Agriculture from any desktop computer with an internet connection and extract data for any of the 180 countries represented. It is even possible to filter some data themes by state or province or other smaller entities ..."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.south oa.agriculture oa.funders oa.toto_agriculture

Date tagged:

06/29/2013, 07:52

Date published:

06/29/2013, 03:52