DE GRUYTER – Traditional Scholarly Publisher’s Shift Towards Open Access. The Facts Behind the Numbers | Open Science 2015-10-25


"De Gruyter Open published 11,115 papers in fully open access journals in 2014. 11,276 articles were published under De Gruyter’s brand in hybrid journals (of which a small part was also open access). In 2015, the company will probably publish 12,898 papers in fully open access journals and 12,673 in hybrid venues. So it is very likely that the group will publish more open access than conventional articles this year. There is a growing discussion about the protracted 'transition to open' period for which research institutions have to pay for both subscription to traditional venues and publication fees for publishing in open access journals. The people participating in the discussion about this phenomenon stress the fact that academic publishers benefit from keeping revenues from these two sources, and therefore will never be keen to transform all their journals to open access. They also use the 'double dipping' notion to address the fact that some publishers may be paid twice for the same content, by charging publication fees for keeping some particular journal article open, but still selling subscription to the whole journal, which is partially toll access (this is the called ‘hybrid open access’) ..."


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10/25/2015, 11:31

Date published:

10/25/2015, 07:31