Students turn the page on expensive textbooks | The Setonian 2015-11-06


"College is not cheap; in addition to tuition, room and board and personal expenses, purchasing textbooks cuts into students’ bills every semester. According to The College Board, a full-time undergraduate student typically spends more than $1,200 each year on school textbooks and supplies. Readily available yet expensive textbooks at the Seton Hall Bookstore has proven to be an unattractive selling point as 24 of 30 surveyed SHU students admit to resorting to online textbook sites to make cheaper textbook purchases. In response to the high costs of textbooks, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois has introduced the Affordable College Textbook Act to provide higher education students and professors with free access to open textbooks ..."


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Date tagged:

11/06/2015, 08:56

Date published:

11/06/2015, 03:56